Web scraper specifically created for extracting proceedings metadata from BDBComp website (http://www.lbd.dcc.ufmg.br/bdbcomp).
It receives as input:
1) The event acronym
2) The event year
3) The ID number of the event in BDBComp system
What does it do?
1) It creates the directory "ACRONYM-YEAR" as a subdirectory of the working
2) For each paper listed in the event proceedings' page, it downlods the
respective PDF files and stores in the new directory;
3) It creates a file called "Artigos.csv", containing the metadata relative
to all the papers listed in the event proceedings page, and stores it in
new directory;
4) It creates a file called "Autores.csv", containing the metadata relative
to the authors of the papers listed in the event proceedings page, and
stores it in new directory.
The information available at the event proceedings pages is not complete. The site contains only: a) The original title of the paper (generally in Portuguese); b) The abstract of the paper (generally in Portuguese); c) The authors' names; d) The numbers of the initial and final pages (BUT NOT ALWAYS).
For some missing information, it was possible to complete: a) The paper's language: it was determined using "GoogleTrans" API; b) The title in English: title was translated using "GoogleTrans" API; c) The abstract in English: abstract was translated using "GoogleTrans" API; d) The number of pages: when not informed, it is determined with PyPDF2.
Besides, as BDBComp provides no information about sections, author's countries, and author's e-mails, we assumed as default: "ART" for section, "BR" for author's country and "nomail@mail.com" for author's e-mail
IMPORTANT: Some useful information is still absent, such as Keywords and Author's affiliations.
It is recommmended that after running the program, users review the files "Artigos.csv" and "Autores.csv" to check if any correction is needed and to provide missing information.