In some cases, real persons are required to be registered in the system. We may request that a fake, bot or a person's second account is not opened.In such cases, we need a value that distinguishes everyone from each other, namely the TR identity number.
The web service in the project works via the link below;
Write and send the 11-digit TR ID number, full name, full surname and year of birth of the person you want to query (only 4-digit number).
The result will be true or false.
If true, it means a natural person, if false, such a person does not have an official citizenship record.
I have published the full version of the project on my personal website in case you want to use the project directly without downloading it or knowing the process. No limits and completely free.
The link is below;
For security measure. Let's say you have entered the information and you want to open the link in your own browser. Seeing a true - false result immediately will create a vulnerability. Returning the result with the post method ensures that not everyone can see the result.