CMUX is a set of commands for managing CDH clusters using Cloudera Manager REST API.
- Limitations and Restrictions
- Prerequisites
- How to Install
- How to Upgrade
- Command List
- How to add or extend commands
- Command completion
- License
CMUX is only tested on:
- MAC OS X 10.14.x(Mojave) or later
- CentOS 6.6, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3
- Bash 4.0 or later
- Z Shell 5.7.0 or later
Some commands require SSH connection to the managed servers.
fzf 0.16.6
wget 1.12
ruby 2.0
or latertmux 2.1
or laterboxes
Clone this repository and run install script and follow the instructions.
git clone
sh cmux/install/
Write down the list of your Cloudera Manager servers in YAML format and save as config/cm.yaml
# Hostname of Cloudera Manager (FQDN)
# Description of this Cloudera Manager
description: "My Cloudera Manager 2"
# Cloudera Manager user with "Full Administrator" role
user: admin
password: admin
# Cloudera Manager port
port: 7180
# Whether or not to use https protocol
use_ssl: false
# Hostname of Cloudera Manager (FQDN)
# Description of this Cloudera Manager
description: "My Cloudera Manager1"
# Cloudera Manager user with "Full Administrator" role
user: admin
password: admin
# Cloudera Manager port
port: 7180
# Whether or not to use https protocol
use_ssl: false
# Add the following section if you have services with Kerberos authentication
krb5.conf: ~/cmux/config/cm1_krb5.conf
keytab: ~/cmux/config/cm1-hbase.keytab
principal: hbase # principal primary
krb5.conf: ~/cmux/config/cm1_krb5.conf
keytab: ~/cmux/config/cm1-impala.keytab
principal: impala # princiapl primary
Reload your shell configuration file and you should be able to see the list of commands by running cmux
git pull
and run install/
: CMUX command list
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Commands:   example exam Example command   hbase-region-inspector hri Run hbase-region-inspector.   hbase-table-stat hts Run hbase-table-stat. ... web-cm webcm Open the Cloudera Manager Web Console as the default browser. ... See 'cmux COMMAND -h' or 'cmux COMMAND --help' to read about a specific subcommand.
: Run hbase-region-inspector.
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: hbase-region-inspector, hri Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -i, --interval N Run with interval(default: 10 sec) -u, --user-mode User mode -p, --port N Port number -h, --help Show this message
: Run hbase-table-stat.
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: hbase-table-stat, hts Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -i, --interval N Run with interval(default: 10 sec) -u, --user HADOOP_USER_NAME Run this command with specified HADOOP_USER_NAME -p, --port N Port number -h, --help Show this message
: List clusters
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: list-clusters, lc Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -h, --help Show this message -p, --preview (Internal option) Preview mode
to open preview window.
: List hosts.
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: list-hosts, lh Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -h, --help Show this message -p, --preview (Internal option) Preview mode
to open preview window.
: Run clouder-scm-agent in parallel.
cloudera-scm-agent, scmagent
Scmagent options:
clean_restart clean_start condrestart
hard_restart hard_stop restart
start status stop
-s, --sync Run with synccm
-h, --help Show this message
-i, --interval N Run with interval in serially (0 or without this option: parallel)
: Shows how the rackID(s) is allocated in CM and updates rackID(s).
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: manage-rackid, rackid Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -h, --help Show this message
: Rolling restart hosts. See Details for Rolling Restart Hosts
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: rolling-restart-hosts, rrh Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -h, --help Show this message
If you want to rolling restart NAMENODE, at least one Nameservice configured by High Availability.
: Rolling restart roles. See Details for Rolling Restart Roles
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: rolling-restart-roles, rrr Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -h, --help Show this message
If you want to rolling restart NAMENODE, at least one Nameservice configured by High Availability.
: Run hbase shell.
[HBASE_SHELL_OPTS] cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: shell-hbase, sh HBase shell options: Extra options passed to the hbase shell. e.g. HBASE_SHELL_OPTS=-Xmx2g Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -u, --user HADOOP_USER_NAME Run this command with specified HADOOP_USER_NAME -h, --help Show this message
: Run Impala shell.
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: shell-impala, si Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -h, --help Show this message
: Login via SSH to hosts registered in these Cloudera Managers.
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: ssh-cm-hosts, ssh Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -h, --help Show this message
to open preview window.
: Login via SSH to hosts specified in file or list.
--file option
--list option
Usage: cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: ssh_tmux, tssh Options: select only 1 -f, --file filename File name where host list is stored -l, --list host[ host ...]] Space separated host list -h, --help Show this message
: CM API Synchronizer
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: sync, Options: -h, --help Show this message
: Split tmux window and execute each command in each pane.
cmux COMMAND SHELL_COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: tmux-window-splitter, tws Shell commands: shell_command[ shell_command[ ...]] One or more shell commands. Each command is separated by a space and commands which contain spaces must be quoted Options: -h, --help Show this message
: Open the Cloudera Manager Web Console as the default browser.
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: web-cm, webcm Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -h, --help Show this message
: Open the Service Web Console as the default browser. Only supports the default port.
cmux COMMAND [OPTIONS] Command: web-service, websvc Options: -s, --sync Run with synccm -q, --query query_string Run fzf with given query -h, --help Show this message
Supported services:
Write command class file like $CMUX_HOME/ext/example.rb
and store into $CMUX_HOME/ext
See details CMUX Extension.
Support interactive command completion for both bash
and zsh
(implemented by fzf).
This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.
Copyright 2017 Kakao Corp.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this project except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.