This is a Dummy Coffee shop website where users can Login/SignUp and order Coffee of their choice and also leave a review about it. This project uses
- HTML, CSS(Bootstrap Framework) and JS in the Frontend
- NodeJs in the Backend to execute JS code on the server
- Express Framework to send and accept various GET, POST, UPDATE, DELETE etc.. to preform CRUD operations
- MongoDB Database is used to store the data
- Apart from these various npm packages are used (Eg: Passport for Authentication)
NOTE - _ Run node seeds.js in cmd before app.js so that you can see some coffees in the Home Page _
Steps to run the project in your system.
- Make sure node and mongo are properly installed on your device If not download one from their website.
- Run npm install in cmd to install all the dependencies required to run this project on your system.
- Start mongo server using mongod command in cmd.
- Run node app.js in cmd
- Go to any browser on your system and visit this address http://localhost:3000/
- You can see the home page and good to go :)