Latest data about every Estonian company and associated persons in one SQLite database. The data is gathered from many public sources like this. The database is automatically regenerated every day, and the latest version is available for download here, or if you'd like to automate the process, you can use the script or the following command:
curl -s | jq -r '.assets[0].browser_download_url' | xargs -I {} curl -s -L {} | gunzip -c > out.db
Parser is written in Go, so you need to have Go installed.
go install
go run main.go
-batch int
Batch size (default 600)
Fail quietly
Force downloading the latest data again, eg. it deletes the data directory
-sources string
Sources to process (comma separated) (default "yldandmed,kaardile_kantud,kandevalised,kasusaajad,osanikud,majandusaasta,emta,debt,lihtandmed")
-sqlite string
Path to the SQLite database (default "out.db")