- It's a simple shell script (written in pure bash, even the webserver part).
- The docker image is Alpine based and the size is about 10 MB.
- One container mirrors one repository.
- You can pipe multiple platforms. For example, use Bitbucket private repositories as a primary storage and self-hosted Gitlab instance as a purely CI/CD tool.
- Backup your primary repository to another platform.
- Generate an ssh key for source and destination repositories:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/project_id_rsa
- It will generate 2 keys, the PRIVATE key to ~/.ssh/project_id_rsa and the PUBLIC key to ~/.ssh/project_id_rsa.pub.
- The PUBLIC key is used as Deploy Key while the PRIVATE key should be used in SRC_DEPLOY_KEY and DEST_DEPLOY_KEY env variables.
- Add this PUBLIC key as a Deploy Key for the source and destination repositories. Depending on the platform it's called Deploy Key or Access key. See how to add Deploy/Access Key to bitbucket, bitbucket access keys, gitlab, github.
- Add the PUBLIC key to the source repo with read-only access.
- Add the PUBLIC key to the destination repo with write access.
- Run this container in docker with all environment variables configured properly (see How to run section).
- Use the PRIVATE key for SRC_DEPLOY_KEY and DEST_DEPLOY_KEY env variables. Don't forget to encode it with base64:
base64 -w 0 < ~/.ssh/project_id_rsa
- If you configured everything properly it should mirror the repo after the first launch. If it didn't see the logs in the container output.
- Create the webhook in the source repository. Using default settings should be enough. See how to create a webhook in bitbucket, gitlab, github.
docker run -it \
-e SRC_REPO=git@bitbucket.org:vendor/src_repo.git \
-e DEST_REPO=git@gitlab.example.com:2222/vendor/dest_repo.git \
-e SRC_DEPLOY_KEY=base64_encoded_key== \
-e DEST_DEPLOY_KEY=base64_encoded_key== \
-p 8181:8080/tcp \
Where SRC_DEPLOY_KEY and DEST_DEPLOY_KEY are PRIVATE ssh keys encoded with base64. You can use the same key for both though. It can be obtained by running
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/project_id_rsa
base64 -w 0 < ~/.ssh/project_id_rsa
With this configuration the webhook url will be http://localhost:8181
version: '3.3'
image: karser/gitbitlabhub
restart: always
- webproxy
SRC_REPO: 'git@bitbucket.org:vendor/src_repo.git'
DEST_REPO: 'git@gitlab.example.com:2222/vendor/dest_repo.git'
SRC_DEPLOY_KEY: 'base64_encoded_key=='
DEST_DEPLOY_KEY: 'base64_encoded_key=='
- "traefik.enable=true"
- "traefik.backend=gitbitlabhub_repo1"
- "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:gitbitlabhub.example.com;PathPrefixStrip:/vendor/src_repo"
- "traefik.port=8080"
- "traefik.docker.network=webproxy"
- ./gitbitlabhub:/storage
external: true
With this configuration the webhook url will be https://gitbitlabhub.example.com/vendor/src_repo
- It will ignore a webhook if it is still processing the previous one. As a rule of thumb, wait 5-10 seconds between
git push
docker build --tag karser/gitbitlabhub:latest .
docker push karser/gitbitlabhub:latest