Content repository for Workshop on Assembling Blocks of Dall.E-Mini and Image Generative Models at ICCIDS '23.
A conference workshop on Image and Video Analysis as part of the IFIP-Springer International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Data Science (ICCIDS), 2023 jointly organized by the Machine Learning Research Group and the Department of CSE, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India.
- Link to Illustration Notebooks.
- Vanilla GAN for Image Regeneration: MNIST data.
- Autoencoders for Image Regeneration: CIFAR10 data.
- Variational Autoencoders for Image Regeneration: CIFAR10 data.
- Vector-Quantized Variational Autoencoders for Image Regeneration: CIFAR10 data.
- BART for Encoding Text Captions.
- CLIP to Rank Images by Relevance to Caption.
- Link to Workshop Slides.
- Overview of Dall.E Mini and its Building Blocks
- A Brief Antedate of Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) applied in Dall.E Mini
- BART Encoder-Decoder for Image-Text Latent Space Tranlation
- CLIP to Rank Generated Images by Relevance to Captions
- Piecing the blocks of Dall.E Mini together
Implemented with: Python, PyTorch, OpenCV.