Simple program to load a specific browser based on URL characteristics
Conditionally start different browsers or browsers profiles/arguments depending on whether the URL matches certain criteria. See urlswitcher.ini for an example of how this might work.
deno compile --allow-env --allow-read --allow-run main.ts Or, if you want to give it a specific name: deno compile --allow-env --allow-read --allow-run main.ts -o NAME.exe
deno run --allow-env --allow-read --allow-run main.ts URL
urlswitcher-deno.exe URL
The default location for urlswitcher.ini is $HOME/.urlswitcher.ini on a UNIX like system or %USERPROFILE%.urlswitcher.ini if you're on Windows.
I found indications that Windows is fairly explicit about what's available to be a protocol handler, and how it needs to be installed through an .exe or MSI installer, so I cheated. I looked in the registry for firefox, which is my default, and found and entry for firefox that looked to be where it registered itself as a URL handler, and changed what that was set to run.
Specifically, I changed "Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\FirefoxURL-DEADBEEFDEADBEEF\shell\open\command" from:
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -osint -url "%1"
"C:\Users\MyUser\bin\urlswitcher-deno.exe" "%1"
where the hexadecimal portion of the registry key is something I made up, and the path to urlswitcher-deno.exe should be wherever you put it.