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  • RIPE Atlas v2 API access in Go. *

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ripe-atlas is a Go library to access the RIPE Atlas REST API.

It features a simple CLI-based tool called atlas which serve both as a collection of use-cases for the library and an easy way to use it.

Work in progress, still incomplete

Table of content


I am trying to implement the full REST API in Go. The API itself is not particularly complex but the settings and parameters are.

The following topic are available:

  • probes

    you can query one probe or ask for a list of probes with a few criterias

  • measurements

    you can create and list measurements.

  • results

    every measurement has a URI in the result json that points to the actual results. This fetch and display them.

In addition to these major commands, there are a few shortcut commands (see below):

  • dns
  • http
  • ip
  • keys
  • ntp
  • ping
  • sslcert/tls
  • traceroute


NOTE: you MUST have Go 1.8 or later. Previous versions did not have the ProxyHeader fields and thus no support for HTTP proxy.

Like many Go-based tools, installation is very easy

go get


git clone
make install

The library is fetched, compiled and installed in whichever directory is specified by $GOPATH. The atlas binary will also be installed (on windows, this will be called atlas.exe).

You can install the dependencies with go get


To run the tests, you will also need:


NOTE: please use and test the Windows version (use make windowsto generate it). It should work but I lack resources to play much with it.

API usage

You must foremost instanciate a new API client with

client, err := atlas.NewClient(config)

where config is an atlas.Config{} struct with various options.

All API calls after that will use client:

probe, err := client.GetProbe(12345)


  • Authentication
  • Probes
  • Measurements
  • Applications

CLI utility

The atlas command is a command-line client for the Go API.


The atlas utility uses a configuration file in the TOML file format.

On UNIX, it is located in $HOME/.config/ripe-atlas/config.toml and in %LOCALAPPDATA%\RIPE-ATLAS on Windows.

There are only a few parameters for now, the most important one being your API Key for authenticate against the RIPE API endpoint. You can now specify the default probe set (and override it from the CLI):

# Default configuration file

default_probe = <PROBE-ID>


pool_size = <POOL-SIZE>
type = "area"
value = "WW"

Everything is a string except for pool_size and default_probe which are integers.

Be aware that if you ask for an IPv6 object (like a domain or machine name), the API will refuse your request if the IPv6 version of that object does not exist.

Important note

Not all parameters specified for the different commands are implemented, as you can see in the API Reference, there are a lot of different parameters like all the id__{gt,gte,lt,lte,in} stuff.

Proxy authentication

If you want to use atlas or the API behind an authenticating HTTP/HTTPS proxy, you need to create another configuration file holding the proxy credentials. The file is called .netrc under UNIX and is located in your $HOME directory. On Windows, it is in the same directory as config.toml inside %LOCALAPPDATA%\RIPE-ATLAS.

The format is described in the ftp(1) manpage:

machine <service> username <username> password <password>

in our case, the service is proxy (or default), you just need to fill in username and password.

machine proxy username john.doe password secret

The API now look by itself for the .netrc file, using my own package.


import ""

// Check whether we have proxy authentication (from a separate config file)
authstr, err := proxy.SetupProxyAuth()

client, err = atlas.NewClient(atlas.Config{
    APIKey:       mycnf.APIKey,
    DefaultProbe: mycnf.DefaultProbe,
    PoolSize:     mycnf.PoolSize,
    ProxyAuth:    auth,
    Verbose:      fVerbose,

As an alternative, you can do the encoding yourself and put that in config.toml as proxy_auth.

Last, you can also use the full form for the https_proxy environment variable with user:password@proxy but it is not recommended to put your password in the clear like this.


   atlas - RIPE Atlas CLI interface

   atlas [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   Ollivier Robert <>

     credits, c                 credits-related keywords
     dns, dig, drill            send dns queries
     http, https                connect to host/IP through HTTP
     ip                         returns current ip
     keys, k, key               key-related keywords
     measurements, measures, m  measurements-related keywords
     ntp                        get time from ntp server
     ping                       ping selected address
     probes, p, pb              probe-related keywords
     results, r, res            results for one measurement
     sslcert, tlscert, tls      get TLS certificate from host/IP
     traceroute, trace          traceroute to given host/IP
     help, h                    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --format value, -f value      specify output format (NOT IMPLEMENTED)
   --debug, -D                   debug mode
   --verbose, -v                 verbose mode
   --fields value, -F value      specify which fields are wanted
   --include value, -I value     specify whether objects should be expanded
   --logfile value, -L value     specify a log file
   --mine, -M                    limit output to my objects
   --opt-fields value, -O value  specify which optional fields are wanted
   --page-size value, -P value   page size for results
   --sort value, -S value        sort results
   -1, --is-oneoff               one-time measurement
   -6, --ipv6                    Only IPv6
   -4, --ipv4                    Only IPv4
   --pool-size value, -N value   Number of probes to request (default: 0)
   --area-type value             Set type for probes (area, country, etc.)
   --area-value value            Value for the probe set (WW, West, etc.)
   --country value, -C value     Short cut to specify a country
   --tags value, -T value        Include/exclude tags for probesets
   --help, -h                    show help
   --version, -V

In addition to the main probes and measurements commands, it features fast-access to common tasks like pingand traceroute.

Now, every command has a -T or -tags parameter to add user-defined tags when the measurement is created. This is different from -T at the higher level. The latter is for selecting probes.

$ atlas ping -h
   atlas ping - ping selected address

   atlas ping [command options] [arguments...]

   send echo/reply to an IP

   -T value, --tags value  add tags to measurement

You can use it like that:

$ atlas -N 10 -4 ping -T test-tag,foobar

When looking at measurement results, it is very easy to use something like jq to properly display JSON data:

atlas results <ID> | jq .

You can also analyze the results, as explained here.

Here,to find the maximum RTT:

% ./atlas measurements results 10185594 | jq 'map(.result[0].rtt) | max'

And with this jq file, to get more information from a measurement:

% cat ping-report.jq
map(.result) | flatten(1) | map(.rtt) | length as $total | 
 "Median: " + (sort |
      if length % 2 == 0 then .[length/2] else .[(length-1)/2] end | tostring),
 "Average: " + (map(select(. != null)) | add/length | tostring) + " ms",
 "Min: " + (map(select(. != null)) | min | tostring) + " ms",
 "Max: " + (max | tostring) + " ms",
 "Failures: " + (map(select(. == null)) | (length*100/$total) | tostring) + " %"
%./atlas measurements results 10185594 |  jq --raw-output --from-file ping-report.jq
Median: 15.068505
Average: 15.480822916666666 ms
Min: 3.786365 ms
Max: 24.164375 ms
Failures: 14.285714285714286 %


  • implement "anchors" & "participation requests"
  • more tests (and better ones!)
  • better display of results
  • refactoring to reduce code duplication: always in progress
  • even more tests

External Documentation


Please see for some simple rules.