Loomio is a free and open-source web application that helps groups make better decisions together.
You can install ImageMagick with the following commands for Mac or Linux.
$ sudo port install ImageMagick
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick libmagick9-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
$ cd /dir/to/loomio/
$ bundle install
$ cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
$ cp .example-env .env
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:schema:load
$ bundle exec rake db:schema:load RAILS_ENV=test
$ bundle exec rake db:seed
First start your postgres server (if it's not already running). Consult postgres documentation if you're not sure how to do this.
Then start the Rails server:
$ cd /dir/to/loomio/
$ foreman start
You can now see Loomio on your computer at http:localhost:3000
You'll need to create a Loomio user account on your machine that you can use to interact with the site. Right now, the only way to do this is through the Rails console:
$ cd /dir/to/loomio/
$ rails console
Once inside the console, run the following command to generate a user:
> User.create(name: "Furry", email: "furry@example.com", password: "password")
Now you should be able to visit http://localhost:3000 and login as the user above and start playing with the site.
You'll probably want to create several different users so that you can test the site out properly. (Try using separate browsers if you want to login with two users at the same time)
If you're trying to install Loomio on an actual server (as in, not just for development on your local machine), you'll need to do a few things differently.
First, you need to make sure you're running a stable release. Have a look at the list of Loomio stable releases and make sure your server is using the latest version. Do not use master on your production server -- it is untested.
Second, make sure you have set up the following environment variables:
SECRET_COOKIE_TOKEN=1234567890 (replace with a random string of alphanumeric characters, at least 30 chars long)
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=your-key-here (you'll need to set up an AWS S3 account for hosting user uploads. ie user images)
AWS_UPLOADS_BUCKET=loomio-uploads (you'll need to create a bucket with this name on your S3 account)
CANONICAL_HOST=www.yourloomiosite.com (the web domain for your loomio server)
SENDGRID_USERNAME=your-sendgrid-username (we use SendGrid for sending emails, which you'll need to create an account for.
if you'd rather not use sendgrid, you'll need to edit production.rb)
If you're using Heroku, read here about how to set these environment variables. If you're not using Heroku, edit the .env
file in the root of your app directory (unconfirmed whether or not this actually works).
If you'd like to contribute to the project, check out Contributing to Loomio.
Also, before you submit a pull-request, please sign our CLA:
It ensures that the copyright will always stay on an OSI or FSF certified license. It was automatically generated using harmony agreements. If you're interested, here's the discussion that we had to decide on the license and CLA:
GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). Copyright (c) 2012 Loomio Limited