This project, developed during my internship at Link Development, is an ASP.NET Core Web API that implements a Library Management System. It showcases various features and best practices in API development, including authentication, authorization, logging, caching, rate limiting, API versioning, and message queuing.
- Books: CRUD operations for managing books in the library.
- Authors: Endpoints for managing author information.
- Categories: API for handling book categories.
- JWT Authentication: Uses JSON Web Tokens for secure user authentication.
- Permission-Based Authorization: Custom filters enforce role-based access control on API endpoints.
- Entity Framework Core: Utilizes EF Core for database interactions with SQL Server.
- Code-First Migrations: Includes database schema management through EF Core migrations.
- Repository Pattern: Implements the repository pattern for data access abstraction.
- Unit of Work: Uses the Unit of Work pattern for managing database transactions.
- In-Memory Caching: Implements caching for frequently accessed data like book lists and author information.
- Serilog: Structured logging to console and rolling file for comprehensive application monitoring.
- Swagger/OpenAPI: Interactive API documentation with JWT authentication support for testing secured endpoints.
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing: Configured to allow specified origins, methods, and headers.
- AspNetCoreRateLimit: Protects the API from abuse and ensures fair usage.
- Supports versioning to manage API evolution and backward compatibility.
- RabbitMQ Integration:
- Message publishing endpoint for asynchronous operations.
- Background service for consuming and processing queued messages.
- BooksController: Manages book-related operations (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
- AuthorsController: Handles author data management.
- CategoriesController: Manages book categories.
- UserController: Handles user authentication and token generation.
- MessageController: Facilitates message publishing to RabbitMQ.
- Implements service layer for business logic separation.
- Services for Books, Authors, and Categories.
- Utilizes AutoMapper for object-object mapping, enhancing code maintainability and reducing boilerplate code.
- Implements a global exception handling middleware for consistent error responses across the API.
- ASP.NET Core
- Entity Framework Core
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Serilog
- Swagger/OpenAPI
- AspNetCoreRateLimit
- API Versioning
- RabbitMQ
- SQL Server
- AutoMapper
- Clone the repository
- Update the connection string in
to point to your SQL Server instance - Run Entity Framework migrations to set up the database
- Configure RabbitMQ connection settings if using message queuing features
- Build and run the application
: Book management endpoints/api/v1/authors
: Author management endpoints/api/v1/categories
: Category management endpoints/api/v1/user/auth
: User authentication endpoint/api/v1/message
: Message publishing endpoint
For detailed API documentation, refer to the Swagger UI available at /swagger/index.html
when running the application.
- Controllers: Handle HTTP requests and responses
- Services: Implement business logic
- Repositories: Manage data access
- Data: Contains Entity Framework context and entity models
- DTOs: Data Transfer Objects for API requests and responses
- Authorization: Custom authorization attributes and filters
- Middleware: Contains global exception handling middleware
- Dependency Injection
- Asynchronous programming
- Exception handling
- Code-first database approach
- Separation of concerns
- Object-object mapping with AutoMapper
- Global exception handling for consistent error responses