This project is implemented using Python and uses Brownie framework to support Solidity smart contract programming.
This smart contract developed in Nftbrownie.sol is a basic implementation to mint an ERC721 token to any Ethereum [EVM] compatible blockchain.
Brownie is a Python-based development and testing framework for smart contracts targeting the Ethereum Virtual Machine.
- Create .env file with Keys in below format:
PRIVATE_KEY = 0x<--Copy private key of your WALLET Address-->
WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID = <--Copy Project ID from your Infura account. Provide the network name in brownie-config.yaml-->
- Change path to Project root directory and Run below command to install brownie
pip install brownie
- Once brownie is successfully installed, run below command to install dependency packages and compile Solidity .sol files
- Deploy the smart contract using the scripts/ with following command. Specify the network of your choice in place of rinkeby
brownie run scripts/ --network rinkeby
- Mint NFT using the scripts/ with following command. Specify the network of your choice in place of rinkeby
brownie run scripts/ --network rinkeby
Note: Provide any image of your choice from IPFS. I have provided a sample image URI from Pinata already for public usage.