Arduino | Sensor |
A1 | Internal Temp |
A2 | External Temp |
A3 | Voltage Pin |
A4 | SDA |
A5 | SCL |
2 | DHT |
3 | Buzzer |
4 | Internal LM60 EN |
5 | External LM60 EN |
6 | SD Card CS |
8 | GPS TX |
11 | SD Card MOSI |
12 | SD Card MISO |
13 | SD Card SCK |
Just link all the SCL and SDA pins and make sure to put 10k pullups on the SCL and SDA lines.
Short | Long | Units | Notes |
T | Time Elapsed | ms | millis() |
GT | Current Time | HHMMSS | UTC |
PRES | Pressure | hPa | |
HUM | Humidity | % | Relative Humidity |
TDHT | DHT Temperature | C | |
TIN | Internal Temperature | C | |
TEXT | External Temperature | C | |
LAT | Latitude | degrees | Can be converted to DMS |
LNG | Longitude | degrees | |
ALT | Altitude | m | |
SPD | Speed | m/s | |
CRS | Course | degrees | |
CNT | Satellite Count | number | |
V | Voltage | mV | |
AGE | Age of GPS Data | ms |
If the LM60 is connected backwards it will get really hot.
LM60 datasheet
Time to first fix from a cold start is about 26 seconds.
Breakout board datasheet
MAX-M8Q datasheet
MPRLS breakout information
MPR datasheet
Toss a 10k pull up resistor linking the data line to power pin. Power it with 3.3v or it will heat up and throw off temperature data.
DHT22 datasheet
Library for this bad boy is huge.
BMP280 datasheet