A movie watchlist app that provides users with an easy and convenient way to keep track of their favorite movies.
- Display movie details such as ratings, descriptions, trailers, and posters by clicking on each movie
- Store watchlists locally on the device using SharedPreferences
- User-friendly interface utilizing the provider package for state management
The app was built using Flutter and the TMDB API. It makes use of SharedPreferences to store the watchlist locally on the device and utilizes the provider package for efficient state management. The code has been hosted on Github Pages for easy access and collaboration.
This app has the potential to be expanded with the addition of user-centric features such as movie prediction based on users' choices and the ability to create multiple watchlists.
This Watchlist App is a well-designed and user-friendly tool for movie enthusiasts to keep track of their favorite films. With its locally stored watchlist and efficient state management, it provides a seamless and enjoyable experience. If you're a movie buff, give this app a try! 🎥🎬🎞️