Web app to scrape scores from MaxPreps for potential recruits.
Access the app at: https://share.streamlit.io/kingla6/recruit-score-scraper/main/app.py
Currently designed for use for the Vanderbilt Football recruiting department, based on Gametracker score and stat collection process.
Future updates include:
- Schedule scraper function to automate schedule collection for potential recruits
- Additional score and stat resources (eg Scorestream) to capture player information that may have been missed by MaxPreps
- Display of input and output tables in-app (currently unavailable with new Streamlit update having issues with Pandas
- .streamlit: app configuration files
- requirements.txt: app dependencies aside from base python packages
- app.py: python code for app
- images: images that are present on the app
- functions: code files for app functions
- .ipynb files: python notebooks to support debugging of app functions
- support-data: support files to be loaded into functions
- test-data: data files to test the app
- other python support files as needed