CLI to bundle a WebExtension using webpack.
It uses a webpack config file with 4 more available properties that set "entry", "output.path" and "output.filename" if not already set:
- ENTRY_DIR: The entry directory. (default: "src")
- ENTRY_FILES_EXT: Entry files with those extensions. (default: [".js"])
- OUTPUT_DIR: The output directory. (default: "build")
- OUTPUT_FILES: (default: "[name]/bundle.js")
npm install --save-dev web-extpack
web-extpack --help
web-extpack setup [options]
web-extpack build [options]
--config <path>
: Path to the config file. (default: "web-extpack.config.js")
-t, --template <template-name>
: Choose a template for the config file. (choices: ["basic", "advanced"], default: "basic")--src-files
: Add empty files in "src" folder if there is no "src/manifest.json".