pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
devices related comments/ mentions here
now device(humidifier) is controlled using ESP32
used for user interface.
connect to the instance in AWS using the below command
ssh -i "bprakash2-ubuntu.pem" ubuntu@ec2-34-217-96-154.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
navigate to the dir 'helloiot'
activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
make changes to the app.py
file this is our web server
restart the server using below command
ps -C gunicorn fch -o pid | head -n 1
kill -s HUP <pid_from_above>
To access database
once you are ssh'ed into the machine, run below command
sudo mysql -u root -p
enter password
list all the databases
show databases;
select the iot315 database using below command
use iot315
list all the tables in the iot315 database
show tables
look at the sensor data that is being sent in by the devices
select * from SensorData;
we have used app credentials for the iot315@gmail.com user account to send emails.