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Simplified implementation of UMAP like dimensionality reduction algorithm


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How to implement UMAP like algorithm using simple tricks


Simple implementation of UMAP like algorithm in Python. It is designed to be simple and easy to understand.


These resources are definitely worth to read:

  • 2018 - UMAP Paper - UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction
  • 2016 - LargeViz - Visualizing Large-scale and High-dimensional Data.
  • 2021 - PaCMAP Paper - Understanding How Dimension Reduction Tools Work: An Empirical Approach to Deciphering t-SNE, UMAP, TriMap, and PaCMAP for Data Visualization
  • UMAP implementation on GPU with cuML
  • 2022 - GiDR-DUN - GiDR-DUN: Gradient Dimensionality Reduction Differences and Unification

The content of this project

In the nano_umap folder you can find a bunch of umap_v0/v4 implementation of the UMAP like dimensionality reduction algorithm. Each version adds some improvement to the previous one. Some of the versions focus only on performance/speed improvements and some on the quality of the produced low dimensional representations.

See demo.ipynb to reproduce all the results below.


All methods start from the same steps:

  • Search for top-k nearest neighbors using pynndescent package, similarly UMAP does. See core.NanoUMAPBase._get_knn for more details, but this is basically copy of UMAP way of doing this.
  • Initialize low dimensional embeddings:
    • random initialization using np.random.uniform
    • spectral initialization using UMAP spectral.spectral_layout fast implementation (sklearn is way too slow)
  • During optimization steps, learning rate decays linearly as (1 - epoch / n_epochs)
  • Each method implements basically very similar fit_transform function:
    def fit_transform(self, dataset: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        # use pynndescent
        knn_indices, knn_similarities = self._get_knn(dataset)        
        graph = to_adjacency_matrix(knn_indices, knn_similarities).tocoo()
        # use random or spectral init
        x = self._get_initial_embedding(dataset, graph)
        for epoch in range(n_epochs):
                lr=self._get_lr(epoch, n_epochs),
                n_neg_samples=self._get_n_neg_samples(epoch, n_epochs)
        return x
  • Most of the improvements will change only the implementation of the optimize_fn
  • All tests are run without code parallelization i.e. with n_jobs=1 - naive implementation


  • Implements only attraction force between vectors
  • We use the same implementation for force as in UMAP code with gradient clipping - adding repulsion forces + random initialization


  • Random sampling of negative vectors which are push back sampled pairs of vectors.
  • As we can see, by adding this simple method of sampling negatives the results are much better.
  • However, adding negative samples increased the processing time from 20 seconds to about 40 seconds. UMAP needs about 20 seconds on my PC.
  • Here is what changed in the optimize_fn (left is new) umap_v0_v1.png - adding repulsion forces + spectral initialization


  • Using spectral initialization improves results even more, this already starts to look like UMAP. - adding CPU optimizations

  • Method stays the same, but the optimize_fn function is tuned for the CPU performance:
    • We make sure all operations are done in float32 (numba upcast all floating point variables to fp64, which can introduce small performance cost)
    • We replace np.clip and with custom numba implementations (UMAP does the same)
  • These tricks make code now run in about 20 seconds !
  • You can see most of the changes here: umap_v1_v1_optimized.png - use inplace vector updates instead of accumulated gradients


  • In previous implementations forces were accumulated before moving vectors
    • in the loops we aggregate forces like this gradient[row][d] += grad_value
    • at the end we update vectors: x += gradient
  • After the update, we move vectors inplace xi[d] += grad_value: ![umap_v2_v1.png] (images/umap_v2_v1.png)
  • This small change does not increase the computational time, but it looks like it provides a bit of improvement in the final result. - negative sampling moved to the first loop


  • This is a small code refactor in which we move negative sampling part inside the first loop: umap_v3_v2.png
  • This small change introduces more negative samples per each "edge", which increases the repulsion forces in total.
  • As you can see the result starts to look like UMAP.
  • However, more negative samples costs more time and now it takes 40 seconds to complete. - sample denser regions less often


  • The final step is to introduce dynamic sampling based on the local neighborhood densities.
  • For simplicity, I created a heuristic which will put more attention into the regions which are less densely packed
 knn_min_scores = knn_similarities.min(-1)
 # higher weights (more samples) for regions where vectors are more separated 
 weights = 1 / knn_min_scores ** 2
  • These weights are later converted to how often each pair is updated in the loop, using same approach as in UMAP.
  • This simple sampling heuristic reduces the processing time to 16 seconds.
  • In UMAP this sampling is more complicated 1) weights are computed using different heuristics and 2) there is a separate sampling mechanism for negative pairs.


Simplified implementation of UMAP like dimensionality reduction algorithm







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