We need to periodically update the iSat missions for the SMD group, so we need to pull down the missions we currently have. Do this by parsing the HTML on the page itself, since we don't have database access.
For each of the missions, make sure it's in the iSat SMD pull-down.
If not, I manually have to find the NORAD/COSPAR identifier for the satellite. Some of these missions are not satellites (e.g., their airplane-mounted instruments) or they're not Earth-orbiting satellites (e.g., deep-space or Mars-orbiting).
Then we'll need to integrate that with where iSat is pulling the SMD satellite list. TBD.
Do the virtualenv and pip thing:
virtualenv . pip install -r requirements.txt
It shows the Mission URL slug, mission name, SMD division, and operating status:
(mission-extract-data)bash-3.2$ ./missions.py Row results: 208 ace ACE Heliophysics 3Operating acrimsat ACRIMSAT Earth 3Operating ... xmm-newton XMM-Newton Astrophysics 3Operating yohkoh Yohkoh Heliophysics 4Past Operating: 277
The operating status gets the numeric database ID and the name as a combined item, due to how my parsing grabs the 'hide' data:
...<td><span class="hide">3</span>Operating</td></tr>
I saw this and never did any parsing scraping in Go, so I though I'd give it a whirl to see what it looked like.
go get github.com/reedobrien/isat-smd-missions/getmissions
or if merged:
go get github.com/koansys/isat-smd-missions/getmissions
getmissions -h -json=false: Output JSON instead of tab delimited
getmissions -json
getmissions|pbcopy ## then paste into spreadsheet
It only gets Operating missions.