pip install rqrcode
from rqrcode import rqrcode
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 生成二维码PNG图片保存(Generate QR code PNG picture and save)
# 生成二维码SVG图片保存(Generate QR code SVG picture and save)
# 生成二维码unicode(Generate QR code unicode)
- 1.下载源码(Download source code)
git clone https://github.com/korykim/rqrcode
- 2.安装(Install)
python -m venv C:\Users\user\myenv # 创建虚拟环境(Create virtual environment)
cd C:\Users\user\myenv\Scripts # 进入虚拟环境目录(Enter the virtual environment directory)
.\activate # 激活虚拟环境(Activate virtual environment)
pip install maturin # 安装maturin(Install maturin)
cd rqrcode # 进入源码目录(Enter the source code directory)
maturin develop # 会自动打包出一个 wheel 包,并且安装到当前的 venv 中(Automatically package a wheel package and install it to the current venv)
- 3.现在可以在python中正常使用了(Now you can use it normally in python)
- 4.发布whl包(Publish whl package)
maturin build --release --interpreter python
此时在./target/wheels目录下会生成whl包,可以上传到pypi或者使用pip install安装(At this time, a whl package will be generated in the ./target/wheels directory, which can be uploaded to pypi or installed using pip install).