Networking Library for Unity 3D Performance is not a key factor at the moment, getting reliable communication across the network is the key purpose of this library. Optimization will come over time when the library becomes more stable
TCP & RPC communication UDP & RUDP will be added in the future.
Start a Server/Client
private void Start()
RSGNetwork.ServerIPAddress = serverIp;
RSGNetwork.PortNumber = serverPort;
switch (networkType)
case NetworkType.SERVER:
case NetworkType.CLIENT:
//Send an RPC to the server, with no parameters
//Send an RPC to the server with parameters
NetworkView.ServerRPC("Login", inputField.text);
//Send RPC to client, The Clients GUID's can be found in a lookup in RSGNetwork, these are generated when new clients connect to the server
RSGNetwork.GetClient(GUID).RPC("AuthenticateLogin", (int)LoginRequest.Success);
//Send RPC to Server with a callback with custom data types
LoginResult Login(string user)
return new LoginResult(user);
void LoginResultCallback(LoginResult result)
case LoginCode.Success:
//Handle a successful login
case LoginCode.Failed:
//Handle a failed Login
class LoginResult
public LoginResult(user)
//Validate Login
if(validation success)
loginCode = LoginCode.Success;
int level = 1;
//return back all other useful User information
loginCode = LoginCode.Failed;
int level = 0;
public enum LoginCode
public LoginCode loginCode;
public int level;
You need to mark methods with RPC Attribute, Their will be conflicting namespaces with unity, so add this to the top of your script using RPC = RealSoftGames.Network.RPC;
otherwise you will need to put this as the RPC itself
public void Login(string GUID, string user = "")
Debug.Log($"Client:{clientID} called Login for user {user}");
if (RSGNetwork.IsServer)
if (string.Equals(user, "12345"))
RSGNetwork.GetClient(clientID).RPC("AuthenticateLogin", (int)LoginRequest.Success);
RSGNetwork.GetClient(clientID).RPC("AuthenticateLogin", (int)LoginRequest.Failed);
RPC Supports both Static and Instanced types
Instance Type RPC's need to be added to also contain a NetworkView component and all RPC's for that object need to be assigned to the NetworkView Components array
1 time initialization for Static references, Instanced methods are initialized in Awake.
Support for cross scene network communication, yes you can have multiple clients in another scene all communicating with the server this is what the library is specifically designed for. However their are issues if you use an instanced RPC from 1 client to another. You can not invoke an RPC over the network from 1 scene to another if the recieving client does not have an object that can recieve that RPC
//IObservable is not yet ready and will be available in a future update as its next on ym list to complete Sync Variables reliably by implementing IObservable interface and assigning it to the NetworkView
public class Sync : MonoBehaviour, IObservable
private float xAxis;
private float yAxis;
public void OnSerializeView(Stream stream)
if (stream.IsWriting)
xAxis = stream.RecieveNext<float>();
yAxis = stream.RecieveNext<float>();
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