Extension for creating visualizations of distance restraints in PyRy3D Chimera Extension
- Install UCSF Chimera and PyRy3D Chimera Extension - http://genesilico.pl/pyry3d/installing#gui-installation
- Download PyRy3D-DisplayRestraints (alpha branch is always stable version!).
- Unzip files.
- Copy files from PyRy3D-DisplayRestraints folder to your_chimera_localization/share/PyRy3D_Extension/ (PyRy_Results file must be replaced!)
- Extension is now integrated with PyRy3D Chimera Extension.You can run it from Results Menu (available after running PyRy3D Simulation or Complex Scoring) by choosing Display Restraints.
Extension is still in alpha version, so feel free to write about your experiences using Display Restraints or report bugs through https://kubawajs.github.io contact section.
v. 0.1 alpha stable