The Kymata Atlas tests for the existence of hypothesised functions in the human cortex.
This repository holds the source code of functions written by third-party research groups. Note: This repository only holds functions for which there is not already an existing Github repository.
Where possible, the code should follow - exactly - a published description. This description, with a doi (or a pdf of the original description itself), should be cited, and ideally the code should contain comments that link lines of code to equation numbers, e.g.
// This function is taken from J. Doe (2002), 'Hypothesized sound to pitch model' J. Neuroscience
// doi://12345.678910
// Input stream is binaural audition, 20ms history window.
// Implements eq. 1
x = compress((left_channel)^4,(right_channel)^4);
// Implements eq. 2
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
y = x[i];
// etc ...
Functions can be written in any programming language. Preferably the language should be open-source, and the version number of language should also be included in the file.