The REST API for the bottom bar music player for basic CRUD operations.
GET /songs/
Status: 200 OK
This will return an array of JSON objects from the database:
id: 1
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: String
upload_date: Date
album: String
id: 2
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: String
upload_date: Date
album: String
id: n
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: String
upload_date: Date
album: String
...where n is the number of items in the database.
GET /songs/id?=123
Status: 200 OK
This will return a single JSON object from the database based on integer in query.
id: 123
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: String
upload_date: Date
album: String
GET /songs/song_name?="Darkhorse"
Status: 200 OK
This will return a single JSON object from the database based on String in query.
id: Integer
song_name: "Darkhorse"
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: String
upload_date: Date
album: String
GET /songs/artist_name?="KMFDM"
Status: 200 OK
This will return an array of JSON object from the database based on String in query.
id: 1234
song_name: String1
artist_name: "KMFDM"
song_image: String1 (url)
song_audio: String1 (url)
genre: Industrial
upload_date: 01.02.03
album: String1
id: 1235
song_name: String2
artist_name: "KMFDM"
song_image: String2 (url)
song_audio: String2 (url)
genre: Industrial
upload_date: 01.02.03
album: String2
GET /songs/album?="Exorcisms"
Status: 200 OK
This will return an array of JSON object from the database based on String in query.
id: 1234
song_name: String1
artist_name: Bella Morte
song_image: String1 (url)
song_audio: String1 (url)
genre: Goth_Rock
upload_date: 01.02.03
album: Exorcisms
id: 1235
song_name: String2
artist_name: Bella Morte
song_image: String2 (url)
song_audio: String2 (url)
genre: Goth_Rock
upload_date: 01.02.03
album: Exorcisms
GET /songs/genre?="punk"
Status: 200 OK
This will return an array of JSON object from the database based on String in query.
id: 4321
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: punk
upload_date: Date
album: String
id: 9876
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: punk
upload_date: Date
album: String
POST /songs
The body of the request will be the entry to insert according to standard schema:
id: n + 1
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: String
upload_date: Date
album: String
...where n is the number of items in the database
Status: 201 (created) entry registered to database
PUT /songs/:id
The body of the request will be the replacement entry according to standard schema with different info:
Example: PUT /songs/123
id: 123
song_name: String
artist_name: String
song_image: String (url)
song_audio: String (url)
genre: String
upload_date: Date
album: String
Status: 202 (replaced) entry replaced in database
PATCH /songs/:id
This would be used to update a path to an audio file or genre, although it technically could be anything.
PATCH /songs/123
Update song file for given artist and song with id 123 in the database by sending a JSON object in the body of the request for the data you need updated.
song_audio: String (url)
...producing the same object but with updated song_audio value
Status: 203 (updated) entry information updated in database
DELETE /songs/:id
Delete a song from the database at chosen ID.
Status: 204 (deleted) entry in database