Bringing over the mildly popular Horizon Extended VSCode theme to Neovim.
This theme will be very similar to the preexisting horizon.nvim theme from akinso, just with my flavor from the VSCode theme
The previews above were taken in Kitty with FiraCode Nerd Font and CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font SemiLight Italic
- Two dark modes (neo being a very slight update to the original VSCode theme), and one light mode
- Syntatic highlighting via LSP and tree-sitter for most of the popular languages
- Plugin support for common plugins.
{ "lancewilhelm/horizon-extended.nvim", priority = 1000 }
colorscheme horizon-extended
vim.cmd.colorscheme "horizon-extended"
There is no need to call setup if you do not want to change the default options and settings.
style = "neo",
transparent = false,
terminal_colors = true,
enable_italics = true,
show_end_of_buffer = false,
underline = false,
undercurl = true,
styles = {
booleans = { italic = true, bold = false },
comments = { italic = true, bold = false },
conditionals = { italic = true, bold = false },
delimiters = { italic = false, bold = false },
functions = { italic = false, bold = false },
keywords = { italic = true, bold = false },
loops = { italic = true, bold = false },
operators = { italic = false, bold = false },
properties = { italic = false, bold = false },
strings = { italic = false, bold = false },
types = { italic = false, bold = false },
variables = { italic = false, bold = false },
This theme supports several common plugins, but this list is not exhaustive yet becauset this is the first version of the theme. Some highlights may not be perfect with the plugins. If you find what you think is a bug with the theme, please submit and issue.
Here is a list of plugins (in no particular order) that have been tested with this theme and should work out of the box (some of them may not have any theming but I am just listing all that have been in my config):
- neo-tree.nvim
- nvim-treesitter
- dashboard-nvim
- nvim-lint
- nvim-cmp
- nvim-autopairs
- Comment.nvim
- mini.surround
- lazydev.nvim
- nvim-spectre
- nvim-notify
- nvim-web-devicons
- indent-blankline.nvim
- lualine.nvim
- noice.nvim
- bufferline.nvim
- mini.hipatterns
- nvim-lspconfig
- plenary.nvim
- vim-sleuth
- which-key.nvim
- gitsigns.nvim
- trouble.nvim
- undotree
- vim-tmux-navigator
- vim-signature
- better-ts-errors.nvim
- markdown-preview.nvim
- telescope.nvim
- conform.nvim