This repository consists of two projects.
voucher-api - The project aims to communicate with a third party API.
voucher-client - The project is a CLI that interacts with the voucher-api in order to perform the operations.
The main stack is:
- Java 8
- SpringBoot 2.1
- Netflix Hystrix
- Spring Shell
- MapStruct
- Lombok
git clone
cd voucherApi
Running with Docker
docker-compose up
docker attach voucher-client
Running without Docker
mvn clean package
java -jar voucher-api/target/voucher-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The API is running on port 8080.
E.g. http://localhost:8080/api/v1/client
Voucher Client
java -jar voucher-client/target/voucher-api-client-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The command help
display a list of commands available
Client Commands
Search a client by ID
client G7cwfHokOtDorjqFMuI3tA
Search a client by email, firstName, last-name, phone. E.g. searchClient -first-name BAILEY:
searchClient -first-name BAILEY
searchClient -email -last-name McCreary
searchClient -phone 2273077387365
Voucher Commands
Search Voucher by clientId
searchVoucher WwEaIb0m4bhJphVtm2VgIw
Search Voucher by clientId and SerialNumber
searchVoucher WwEaIb0m4bhJphVtm2VgIw 10026
Create Voucher
createVoucher WwEaIb0m4bhJphVtm2VgIw 50.0
To leave the terminal quit