$ xcode-select --install
- install brew: https://brew.sh/
$ brew update
$ brew cask install iterm2
- preset natural text editing
- fonts
- color
- reuse previous session's directory
$ brew install bash
echo $SHELL
-> get the default shell pathwhich bash
-> get the installed shell path$ nano /etc/shells
-> add new shell to filechsh -s [PATH TO SHELL]
-> save new shell as default
$ brew install git
$ brew install vcprompt
- install nvm: https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
$ nvm install stable
- update bash profile:
- add
to home directory (see dotfiles repo)
- add
$ brew cask install spectacle
$ brew cask install alfred
- change to default app instead of spotlight (system preferences > keyboard > shortcuts)
$ brew cask install google-chrome
and$ brew cask install firefox
- tabliss, adblock, gofullpage
- duckduckgo search engine
- Install Hyperswitch: https://bahoom.com/hyperswitch/get
mkdir ~/development
$ brew cask install visual-studio-code
- update vscode settings
- install vscode extensions
- Apache Conf
- Awesome Flutter Snippets
- Beautify css/sass/scss/less
- better comments
- community material theme
- dart
- es7 react/redux/graphql
- eslint
- express snippets
- flutter
- import cost
- live server
$ brew cask install figma
big thank's to CJ's Stream. This guide is heavy influenced by him. Some of these settings are adapted to my personal preferences and needs.