WordPress starter theme including full setup for gulp, Webpack, Sass, Autoprefixer, Imagemin, Browsersync, PostCSS etc.
- gulp
- Webpack
- Sass
- Autoprefixer
- PostCSS
- UglifyJS
- Imagemin
- Browsersync
If you don't use gulp or Sass, you can just use this theme like others. Nothing else is necessary except WordPress environment.
Instead, the easiest way is using Homebrew.
$ brew install node
$ git clone https://github.com/ixkaito/bathe.git && cd bathe
You can also download the .zip file from the following URL.
$ npm install
Change browsersync.siteurl
in bathe.config.js
for your environment. The default siteurl is wocker.test
for Wocker.
$ npm start
Or, if you have installed gulp globally, this is also available and is same as npm start
$ gulp
You can change the configuration by editing bathe.config.js
Tasks to run when you exec npm start
or gulp
To keep browsers in sync with file changes.
default: true
options: boolean (true
/ false
To lint JavaScript files.
default: true
options: boolean (true
/ false
To minify images.
default: true
options: boolean (true
/ false
To compile Sass.
default: true
options: boolean (true
/ false
To watch files and run tasks on file changes.
To use Webpack.
default: true
options: boolean (true
/ false
The directory to gather all assets.
default: "./assets"
options: string
example: "./"
(directly under the theme direcotry)
Browsersync settings.
An EXISTING vhost.
default: "wocker.test"
options: string
example: "localhost:8888"
Imagemin settings.
The directory of image source files to compress.
default: "_images"
options: string
example: "src/images"
The destination directory of compressed image files for Imagemin.
default: "images"
options: string
example: "img"
JavaScript settings.
The directory of JavaScript source files to bundle up by Browserify.
default: "_js"
options: string
example: "src/js
The JavaScript destination directory for Webpack.
default: "js"
options: string
example: "javascripts"
File name(s) of JavaScript entry file(s).
default: ["main.js"]
options: array
example: ["pluginA.js", "pluginB.js", "main.js"]
Sass settings.
The directory of Sass files.
default: "_sass"
options: string
example: "src/sass"
The CSS destination directory for Sass.
default: "css"
options: string
example: "stylesheets"
The output style of Sass.
default: "compressed"
options: "expanded"
, "nested"
, "compact"
, "compressed"
Autoprefixer settings.
List of browsers, which are supported in your theme.
default: ["> 1%", "last 2 versions", "Firefox ESR"]
options: array. See Browserslist docs for available queries.
example: ["> 5%", "last 2 versions", "IE 8"]
Bathe doesn't load the default theme stylesheet "style.css" by default.
© 2015 the contributors of the Bathe project under the GPL version 2.0 or later.