This is a simple set of vue-components for documenting and visualizing the UI-kit of your project.
<div id="app">
<!-- this need currentCategory prop -->
<!-- eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-unused-vars -->
<MyUi v-if="isDevMode" custom-css-properties-container=".my-ui" #default="{ currentCategory }">
<MyUiCategory name="Buttons">
<MyButton text="Button"></MyButton>
<MyUiComponent name="MyButton loading">
<MyButton is-loading></MyButton>
<MyUiComponent name="MyButton red">
<MyButton color="red" text="Warning!!!!"></MyButton>
import { MyUi, MyUiCategory, MyUiComponent } from 'my-ui-set';
// ...
custom-css-properties-container - container selector from which css properties will be taken. By default, shows all custom css properties .
button-position ('left-top' | 'right-top' | 'right-bottom' | 'left-bottom') - position of toggle button
name - name of category
name - name of component. By default, shows the component's vue tag