depend on Minievents(Mininet) 2.2.0
Mininet emulates a complete network of hosts, links, and switches on a single machine. To create a sample two-host, one-switch network, just run:
sudo mn
Mininet is useful for interactive development, testing, and demos, especially those using OpenFlow and SDN. OpenFlow-based network controllers prototyped in Mininet can usually be transferred to hardware with minimal changes for full line-rate execution.
Minievents is a Framework build over Mininet to introduce an event generator. Events are changes in a mininet network at specific times.
Events in Minievents are defined in an external json document. Up to now the implemented events are TCP and UDP traffic (iperf) and link properties modification (delay, bandwidth).
Cause it is related to hardware config, so please see my blog
Just run from the project root directory:
sudo python
This command will use dash_minievents.json as event source file. The source file have two big part : one is about two networkcards name, in_intf represents the card which connect to internet or local net,(you should use ifconfig to checkout your networkcards name and modify the first part) other part is defining events. The events define a network speed limit starting at second 0 (0.5Mbps bandwidth), and modified at second 30 (3 Mbps bandwidth), at second 60 (1 Mbps bandwidth), second 90 (10Mbps and 100ms delay) and second 100 (100% loss) and second 110 (2Mbps bandwidth). The network is stopped at second 150.
The dash_minievents.json is an example of the json definition of events for minievents Framework. The file should be an array of Json objets (the events) with the following members:
- time: time in seconds since launch when the event should happen.
- type: event type. Up to now, the following event types are present
- editLink: edit Link properties.
- stop: stop the network
- params: parameters for the event.
The events are:
The editLink event modifies the properties of a link and takes the next parameters:
- link: virtual link between node and switch
- loss: percentage of packet loss in the link
- bw: link bandwidth in Mbits/sec
- delay: in milliseconds
- Michael liu(Sina Weibo)