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Andrew Dougherty edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 2 revisions

Adding a new class to LarKc called LispSync.

LispSync is like PrologSync except it is supposed to expose the CYC-API into the browsable CYC KB, so that much of the stuff we don't see how to use is asserted to the KB. Calling CYC-API from CycL.

EvaluateSubLFn is not sufficient, since what calls instances would be used to invoke the planner. LispSync adds those calls.

It also allows us to see the planner intermediate states in the browser.

This is similar to the API auto synthesis, but LispSync exposes a hand picked one right now... however, setting up a regexp system that notices them.

Its written in Java but the regexp notices when Lisp creates classes matching the regexp like SHOP-*

Though one thing to figure out still, is if there is way to capture the field set/gets of arbitrary classes.

DouglasRMiles created a system to capture that in 2006, but with all the removed classes in J9 it won't carry over.

LispSync reverse engineers Common Lisp programs like ShopThree, ShrdluSystem, DAYDREAMER, etc while they are being loaded. In doing so replaces some of their vital internal data-structures: DOMAINS, PLANS, LEXICAL-INFO, DAYDREAMS, GOALS, PLANS with proxy objects that are stored in the KB using assert/retract/query into the KB... The objects can continue to run as they did before, but now any of the parts can be hacked /controlled/ vetted/populated from CYC rules.
LispSync is essentially the Java version BABYLON the Lycurgus talks about.
Why its called "Sync" is there are times when things are not always going to be straight forward. It is important to EToCProject because it allows Lisp coded ShrlduSystem's LEXICAL information to mix with DAYDREAMER's. And these programs end up with not only their personal data structures but each others. The "Sync" is between ShrdluSystem, ShopThree, happens from the CYC KB using forward-chaining, Initially this was one of the reasons i writing WAM-CL .. (the Common Lisp interpreter written in Prolog) is because the implementation allowed data-structure sharing without the CYC KB. Initially this was one of the reasons i started writing WAM-CL .. (the Common Lisp interpreter written in Prolog) is because the implementation allowed datastruture sharing within the Prolog database. Sometimes it converts the right hand side ois a CYC implication into virtual object s.. for instance when we assert we have a problem it can construct a SHOP-PROBLEM object. Which right there contains all API to run the domain. Which right there contains all API to run the problem for a solution by assertion as to what domain it starts the visible hierarchy from, similar to how Drools works with Java, (LispSync does with Common Lisp). This system also allows CYC to have programmatic control over itself LispSync however is very LarKC_CL specific.. it won't translate over the SBCL :( for SteelBankCommonLisp .. BABYLON will be an option to replace LispSync.

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