A simple application can clean up old and unuesd docker images on registry.Developed by kotlin and gradle.
Write a application.yml
config file first.
- baseUrl: https://your-private.registry.location
#optinal,username and password for docker login
user: your-username
pass: yourpass
#when to run task
#execute periodically,with ISO-8601 duration format.
fix: PT1H #every 1 hour
#fix: P3D #every 3 days
#also support cron expression.but not use with fix.
cron: 0 0 1 * * ? # 1AM everyday
#define which image to match
- image: "^.*gmt.*$" #regexp of image name
tag: ".*test.*" #regexp of tag
durationToKeep: P90D #image which is older than this will be deleted.also ISO-8601 duration format.
Then run docker-registry-gc
by docker:
docker run -v {your_location}:/application.yaml:/app/config/application.yaml lonelyleaf/docker-registry-gc
This is a stander spring boot application,so all config method in Externalized Configuration are supported.But yaml is recommend,so we will only talk about how config by yaml.
A complete config file demo is given above.Under docker.gc.registry
,you could write multi docker registry endpoint
to clean up.An every registry may have multi matcher under cleanup
,to define which image to be deleted.
Pay attention that The duration fields(fix and durationToKeep) in config use ISO-8601
duration format.
There are some example:
30 hourP90D
90 daysP1DT4H
1 day and 4 hour
In k8s
there is a docker-registry-gc.yaml
you may use in k8s, edit the ConfigMap before
you deploy.