ckkern -- Check the kernel installation(Gentoo Linux)
CkKern is a Gentoo Linux tool to verify that the kernels in /boot are configured in GRUB, that the sources in /usr/src are compiled into /boot, that /lib/modules is populated for certain critical modules. Also verifies the latest kernel and sources are installed.
Currently only the package "sys-kernel/gentoo-sources" is supported. And the kernels must be built with "genkernel." It should be easy to rework with other kernels.
This tool helps ensure that the running kernel hasn't been deleted and that critical modules (such as file systems) are available upon reboot.
verify that the currently running and currently configured kernels are configured for reboot.
See the TODO list at the end of the main source file, "ckkern.rkt."
CkKern running in DrRacket. A binary executable can be created
from the {Racket} menu.
needs to be made readable to ckkern. Either run ckkern as superuser (sudo ckkern) or add the user to the root group, then ( cd /boot/grub; chgrp root grub.cfg; chmod g+r grub.cfg).