This repository contains a script to download and process the data from the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Dataset Links for the original dataset, script and codebook are provided.
The training and test data are available in folders named train and test respectively, no data from the "Inertial Signal" sub-folders are used.
For each of these data sets:
- the data is present in X_.txt file
- Subject identification is present in subject_.txt file
- Activity codes are present in y_.txt file
- All activity codes and their labels are in a file named activity_labels.txt.
- Names of all measurements taken are present in file features.txt ordered and indexed as they appear in the X_.txt files.
- The final datasets results from merging the information containing the measurements, activities and subjects.
- Two final tidy datasets are created, the first containing the processed data and another containing the means from the measurements.
- Only information about the mean, mean frequencies and the standard deviations are being processed and kept.
- All columns representing means contain ...mean in them.
- All columns representing standard deviations contain ...std in them.
- All columns representing mean frequencies contain ...meanfreq in them.
- The processed tidy dataset should be created in the current directory as human_activity.csv
- The processed tidy dataset containing the means should be created in the current directory as "human_data.csv"
Clone this repository Download the data set and extract. It should result in a UCI HAR Dataset folder that has all the files in the required structure. Change current directory to the UCI HAR Dataset folder. Run Rscript /run_analysis.R