Simple and clean LINQ extensions library for .NET that adds sorting, filtering, and pagination functionality to IQueryable.
Install-Package Luizanac.QueryExtensions
dotnet add package Luizanac.QueryExtensions
All following examples consider a Client class.
public class Client
public Guid Id {get; private set; }
public string Name { get; private set; }
public string Email { get; private set; }
public int Age { get; private set; }
To use OrderBy extension, you will need to pass "property, asc/desc" (You can use first level navigation properties to "address.number, asc/desc", this will access Address property on Client and then Number on Address).
var sort = "age,asc";
var clients = await dbContext.Clients.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(sort).ToListAsync();
//this example will return all cleints classified by their ascending age
var sort = "name,desc";
var clients = await dbContext.Clients.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(sort).ToListAsync();
//this example will return all cleints classified by their descending name
To use filter extension, you will need to pass a string "{property}{operator}{data}" with your conditions separated by commas (Like order by extension, you can use first level navigation properties too).
below you can see all supported operators
Operator | |
== |
Equals |
!= |
Not equals |
> |
Greater than |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
< |
Less than |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
@= |
Contains |
!@= |
Does not Contains |
_= |
Starts with |
!_= |
Does not Starts with |
and here you can see an using example
var filters = "age>=16,,name_=h";
var clients = await dbContext.Clients.AsNoTracking().Filter(filters).ToListAsync();
//This will filter all clients by age greather than or equal to 16, email contains and name starts with h.
you can use "|" to make OR. "{property}|{property}{operator}{data}" or "{property}{operator}{data}|{data}"
var sort = "age,asc";
var filters = "age>=16,|,name|email_=luiz";
var clients = await dbContext.Clients.AsNoTracking().Filter(filters).OrderBy(sort).ToListAsync();
//This will filter all clients by age greather than or equal to 16, email contains and name starts with h.
The previous code will generate this SQL
SELECT [c].[Id], [c].[Age], [c].[Email], [c].[Name]
FROM [Clients] AS [c]
(([c].[Age] >= 16) AND
(([c].[Email] LIKE '') OR ([c].[Email] LIKE ''))) AND
(([c].[Name] LIKE 'luiz%') OR ([c].[Email] LIKE 'luiz%'))
ORDER BY [c].[Age]
you can use all extensions together
var sort = "age,asc";
var filters = "age>=16,,name_=h";
var paginatedData = await dbContext.Clients.AsNoTracking()
.Paginate(1, 3);