Using a selection of Google Maps and Open Weather Map APIs, I have created an app called PlanMyTrip which recommends travel destinations based on the weather preferences of the user. Using the app, you are able to input your desired temperature range for an upcoming vacation and we will recommend a list of travel destinations and local hotels in order to create an itinerary. Additionally, you are able to use the Google Maps Directions API to create a travel route between the destinations to assist as you embark on your next adventure!
You can use the app to find hotels in areas with favorable weather conditions, for example, this selection of hotels around Queensland, Australia!
You are also able to determine the optimal route between the destinations using the Google Maps Directions API. This route describes a round trip between each city where you can take in the beautiful scenery of Australia.
Finally, the data for each city is available in a specific dataframe, created for each trip. See an example in this dataframe below.