├── k3s # Kubernetes Cluster and Services Installation Documentation
├── kubernetes # Manifests for Kubernetes Objects
├── metrics-collector # Java Spring Boot Application for Model Training with Metrics
├── pod-watcher # Java Spring Boot Application for Classification of Containers
└── scripts # Shell Scripts for starting Containers to easily train a Model
The TU Berlin DOS research Group created over the last several years different AI models for detecting anomalies of black-box IT-services in monitoring streams. Problematic is, that training this AI models takes significant time, which cannot be afforded, especially in the fast-living world of Kubernetes where Pods get restarted, scaled up and terminated in seconds. In order to reuse models, it is crucial to find the same type of Service or at least a similar Service to apply historic trained ML models and avoid costly warm up phases.
This Repository provides two Images, one for training (metrics-collector) and one for classifying new spawning containers (pod-watcher). The metrics-collector fetches Metrics from the Kubernetes API and the Influxdb to train a Model that can classify Containers. The pod-watcher loads this model and starts for every Container a Thread that waits till Metrics are received and then classifies the Container with the model. A detailed documentation on how to set up the training container aswell as the pod-watcher can be found on the top level.
Following Application Properties can be set for the metrics-collector. Please specify the Properties you want to overwrite via Environment Variables in the Depyloment Manifest.
Key | Value | Description |
kubernetes.api.endpoint | https://kubernetes.default.svc | Specify differently if the API can not be reached via the default service |
kubernetes.connect.from.outside | true | Set to false if running inside a Kubernetes Cluster |
influxdb.server.url | | |
influxdb.username | pod_metrics | |
influxdb.password | mypassword | |
influxdb.database | k3s_telegraf_ds | |
data.aggregator.decision.tree.interval | 60000 | training interval in milli seconds |
data.metrics.fetch.interval.seconds | 600 | fetching Data of the Last 600 seconds |
data.aggregator.decision.tree.classifier.list | mysql,nginx | list of classifiers for our model, influences which pod metrics we evaluate for our models |
training.iterations | 1 | how many iterations of training before Calculating the Confusion Matrix and other Performance Measurements of the Model |
training.ratio | 0.1 | Ratio of Validation vs MOdel Training, here 0.1 stand for 10% of the Metrics are used for Training and 90% for validation |
training.maxNumber | 200 | train with 1 - X Datasets, starting with 1,2,3 and so on, used in Graph Plotting Method |
Following Application Properties can be set for the pod-watcher. Please specify the Properties you want to overwrite via Environment Variables in the Depyloment Manifest.
Key | Value | Description |
kubernetes.api.endpoint | https://kubernetes.default.svc | Specify differently if the API can not be reached via the default service |
kubernetes.connect.from.outside | true | Set to false if running inside a Kubernetes Cluster |
influxdb.server.url | | |
influxdb.username | pod_metrics | |
influxdb.password | mypassword | |
influxdb.database | k3s_telegraf_ds | |
data.aggregator.decision.tree.classifier.list | mysql,nginx | list of classifiers for our model, needs to match exactly the classifiers list of the trained model |
timeout.fetching.metrics | 120000 | timeout for a thread to fetch metrics for a container, after the timeout is exceeded the thread finishes |
path.serialized.model | /tmp/model | Path to the File in the Container where the serialized model is read |
Most Metrics are polled by telegraf and then written into influxdb, some are also collected via the Kubernetes API. This table gives an overview of the explicit metrics we can use to train our ML Model. In the current metrics-collector Image all metrics are used, however if you inspect the source code you can set a filter to change this behaviour.
Metric | Source | Example Value |
pod_name | influx kubernetes_pod_container | traefik-6f9cbd9bd4-rgh45 |
namespace | influx kubernetes_pod_container | kube-system |
memory_usage_bytes | influx kubernetes_pod_container | 831.488 |
cpu_usage_nanocores | influx kubernetes_pod_container | 1.039.125 |
logsfs_used_bytes | influx kubernetes_pod_container | 32.768 |
rootfs_used_bytes | influxkubernetes_pod_container | 49.152 |
imageSizeBytes | API /api/v1/nodes/ | 326597 |
image | API | bitnami/mysql |
rx_bytes (receive) | influx kubernetes_pod_network | 1.774.377 |
tx_bytes (transmit) | influx kubernetes_pod_network | 953.169 |
io_service_recursive_read | influx docker_container_blkio | 8192 |
io_service_recursive_write | influx docker_container_blkio | 0 |
used_bytes | influx kubernetes_pod_volume | 8.192 |