is a basic Lisp interpreter, written in Python. Running pylisp
from the command line will allow the user to enter the Lisp REPL environment, or execute a .txt file from a provided file path.
For Windows, create a folder named Aliases
in your C drive: C:/Aliases
. Add this folder to PATH. Next, create a batch file that will execute when you call the specified alias. For example, on my machine, I have a batch file named pylisp.bat
located at C:/Aliases
, that contains the following script:
@echo off
call C:\...\py-lisp-interpreter\pylisp_venv\Scripts\activate.bat
python C:\...\py-lisp-interpreter\ %*
So now, when I type pylisp
in the command prompt, this batch file will execute, which in turn, launches the appropriate Python virtual environment, then runs the py-lisp-interpreter
Python script.
Running pylisp
from the command line launches a cli option to enter the REPL environment or execute a local file:
C:\> pylisp
[?] Would you like to open the REPL environment, or execute a file?: file
> file
Enter the location of the file: test_script.txt
Defined function: HELLO
Defined function: MEANING_OF_LIFE
Defined function: MEANING_OF_LIFE_ANSWER
Defined function: DOUBLEN
Defined function: FIB
Defined function: FACT
Hello Coding Challenge World
The meaning of life is 42
The double of 5 is 10
The double of 21 is 42
The double of 107 is 214
Factorial of 5 is 120
Factorial of 6 is 720
Factorial of 7 is 5040
Factorial of 10 is 3628800
Factorial of 12 is 479001600
The 7th number of the Fibonacci sequence is 13
After running a local file, the user is then prompted to enter another file to execute, or they can exit the program:
[?] Would you like to execute another file?: No
> No
If the user chooses to enter the REPL environment, they can then execute simple Lisp expressions:
C:\> pylisp
[?] Would you like to open the REPL environment, or execute a file?: REPL
pylisp> (+ 21 21)
pylisp> (pow 2 3)
pylisp> (sin (/ pi 2) )
pylisp> (sin (/ pi 4) )
pylisp> (defun fact (n) (if (<= n 1) 1 (* n (fact (- n 1)))))
Defined function: FACT
pylisp> (fact 5)
pylisp> (fact 10)
pylisp> (defun add (a b) (+ a b))
Defined function: ADD
pylisp> (add 4 5)
pylisp> (add (add 21 21) 42 )
pylisp> (add (add 21 21) (fact 5) )
Thanks to John Crickett for the idea from his site, Coding Challenges!
Feedback, bug reports, issues, and pull requests welcome!