Swaroop is a groundbreaking web application that combines blockchain technology, generative AI, and a commitment to wildlife conservation. The project aims to raise awareness about endangered species by allowing users to create unique avatars representing at-risk animals. Users can mint these avatars as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using Metamask, adding a layer of ownership and rarity to their creations.
Harness the power of the Stable Diffusion API to generate visually captivating avatars. Each avatar is a creative representation of an endangered species, highlighting the unique features of these animals.
Seamlessly integrate with the Ethereum blockchain using Metamask. Users can take ownership of their generated avatars by minting them as NFTs, creating a decentralized and secure way to showcase and trade their creations.
Enrich the user experience with educational content sourced from Wikipedia. Learn more about the endangered species you're creating avatars for, fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges these animals face.
By creating and sharing avatars on Swaroop, users contribute to a collective effort to raise awareness about endangered species. The project emphasizes the importance of preserving biodiversity and inspires a sense of responsibility and collective action.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/swaroop.git