This project was developed as a part of a master thesis at Aalborg University. The project focused on fuzzing eBPF technologies. We targeted the PREVAIL verifier and uBPF virtual machine, to find conformance issues between the two. The main bulk of code written for the project consists of an eBPF program generator, and a parser to produce ELF files.
We will make the project report available when we have defended the thesis.
The Buzzy project has the following folder structure:
- PREVAIL (Submodule) (Polynomial-Runtime eBPF Verifier using an Abstract Interpretation Layer)
- We use the PREVAIL verifier, to verify generated eBPF programs.
- uBPF (Submodule) (User space eBPF verifier and JIT-compiler for C programs)
- We use the uBPF virtual machine to run the verified programs.
- rbpf (Submodule) (Rust eBPF)
- We use the eBPF structures provided by this Rust eBPF crate to generate eBPF programs.
- buzzy
- Our fuzzing harness which utilizes a generator and ELF file parser.
- buzzy/faerie
- Used to parse generated programs and produce ELF files.
- scripts
- Scripts used for experiments for the report and quick bug/error overviews
We used buzzy to target the PREVAIL verifier and uBPF virtual machine, but buzzy should be applicable to other eBPF technolgies, without much implementation overhead. In the future, PREVAIL and uBPF might be removed as submodules.
All submodules were installed/compiled by following the provided by the projects.
The PREVAIL and uBPF submodules have some required dependencies.
- Pull code for the eBPF fuzzer and its submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules --remote-submodules
- Build the PREVAIL verifier submodule
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
- Build the uBPF submodule
cmake -S . -B build -DUBPF_ENABLE_TESTS=true
cmake --build build --config Debug
make -C vm
sudo make -C vm install
- Run the buzzy user-space eBPF fuzzing harness
cd buzzy
cargo +nightly fuzz run test/random/stack_sequence/random_maps
Buzzy has found the following (confirmed) bugs:
- PREVAIL: Inconsistency in load instruction handling between PREVAIL and uBPF
- PREVAIL: Segmentation fault - Null value in modulo operations
We see the following areas as next the additions or changes for buzzy:
- Move away from cargo-fuzz: cargo-fuzz only ended up being used for what is essentially a looping mechanism. Implementing a version of this that would better suit buzzy would be greatly beneficial for the project.
- Guided fuzzing: Further extending the above point, this setup could allow for better guided fuzzing.
- Extended fault detection: For the PREVAIL/uBPF setup, Buzzy only observed conformance issues between the targets. No run time behavior or similar is captured.
- Bug taming: Some bugs are generated often. Mechanisms to handle this would be useful.
- More strategies: We think that strategies revolving around program type and context is the next step for strategies.