Example scripts for dynamic resolution webm files
- Get any video in webm format
- Extract frames from it using ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i ./video.webm ./1/%03d.jpeg
- Change resolution of these frames how you want, in this repo there is script to make random size frames from 40x40 to 500x500. Keep only first frame with original resolution for thumb.
- Convert all frames into webm
for filename in ./*.jpeg
ffmpeg -i $filename -vcodec vp8 ../2/$filename.webm
- Merge all frames using concat demuxer
rm filelist
readarray -d '' entries < <(printf '%s\0' *.webm | sort -zV) # reads files by number order to create list for concat
for entry in "${entries[@]}"; do
echo file \'$entry\' >> filelist
echo 'duration 0.04' >> filelist # change this to video framerate (in this case 1/25=0.04)
ffmpeg -f concat -i filelist -framerate 25 -video_track_timescale 600 -c copy output.webm # change framerate here too
- Merge audio from original webm file
ffmpeg -i output.webm -i ./original.webm -c:v copy -c:a libopus -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 done.webm
How to run on Windows? - See issue #1.
Video made by this method ("Unstoppable" rickroll on Discord): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/730101197079445555/1002644837591433236/funny_meme.webm