Rx wrapper for RecyclerView
that allows you to create an Adapter
from Rx observables.
- Add the JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
- Add a dependency to RxAdapter
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.marcbaldwin:RxAdapter:4.1.0'
val adapter = RxAdapter().apply {
// Supports stable IDS if ids specified
// Register your view holders
registerViewHolder(HeaderViewHolder::class.java, R.layout.item_header)
registerViewHolder(DateViewHolder::class.java, R.layout.item_header)
// Header
section {
item(HeaderViewHolder::class.java, id = HEADER_ID) {
binder = { title.text = R.string.todo_list_title }
// Items
section {
items(DateViewHolder::class.java, items) {
id = { todoItem -> todoItem.id }
binder = { todoItem -> /* Bind item to the view holder */ }
onClick = { todoItem -> /* Do something with the item */ }
// Placeholder (Only visible if no items 😎)
section {
visible = items.map { it.isEmpty }
item(HeaderViewHolder::class.java, id = PLACEHOLDER_ID) {
binder = { title.text = R.string.no_items }
// Optional item (Only visible if unwrapped value is not null)
section {
unwrap = { it.value },
id = 3
) {
binder = { text -> title.text = text }
// Set your recycler view's adapter
recyclerView.adapter = adapter
// Start the adapter
// Stop the adapter
// Recycle all existing views
recyclerView.adapter = null
- Marc Baldwin @marcbaldwin
- Chetan Padia @chetbox