Implementation of CMSIS Drivers for EFM32 (Silion Labs) and STM32 (ST Microelectronics) microcontrollers.
This project aims to implement all Drivers declared in CMSIS Drivers (
For each of the drivers implemented, there is a test that shows how to use it.
This library uses emlib (
Before use the library, user must set-up the clock tree properly (see EFM32/CMSIS_Driver_Test_UART.c for an example)
This library uses the STM32 HAL ( PDF).
Before use the library, user must set-up the clocks properly (see STM32/CMSIS_Driver_Test_USART.c for an example). It is not required to have bsp functions to set-up each device. This configuration can be done in each driver file.
Just commit the entire repository and import the right folder into your IDE or environment (EFM32/CMSIS_Driver/ or STM32/CMSIS_Driver/). In eclipse based IDEs (Simplicity Studio and STM32CubeIDE) a virtual folder can be set to point to the proper repository directory.
Documentation about the API is here:
It is provided c files for each driver and its test. Headers must be obtained from oficial repositories (
Indentation used: indent -linux -l120 -i4 -nut <file.c>
- Driver_USART
- Driver_I2C
- Driver_SPI
- Driver_Flash.h
- Driver_Storage.h
- ...
I implemented a MODBUS client (Examples/modbus_client.c) to demonstrate how to use the CMSIS UART driver. This MODBUS client is independent of the vendor, and the examples using the client for each vendor is in the corresponding directory (EFM32/modbus_efm32.c, STM32/modbus_stm32.c)