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GitHub Action

Add, commit, and push


Add, commit, and push


Add, commit, and push

✨ Automagically git add, git commit, and git push


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Add, commit, and push

uses: actions4git/add-commit-push@v0.4.0

Learn more about this action in actions4git/add-commit-push

Choose a version

Add, commit, and push

✨ Automagically git add, git commit, and git push

    branches: "main"
      contents: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: npx --yes prettier --write .
      - uses: actions4git/add-commit-push@v1

➕ Adds all files by default
👨 Uses as the default author
🤖 Uses @github-actions[bot] as the default committer
🔼 Pushes changes to the current branch or tag
🏷️ Will automatically use --force if it's a Git tag

A convenience wrapper with sensible defaults so that you don't have to do git add, git commit, and git push manually all the time. 😉


🚀 Here's what you want:

    branches: "main"
      contents: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: npx --yes prettier --write .
      - uses: actions4git/add-commit-push@v1

🔒 Make sure you have the permissions set to contents: write! We need to be able to edit the repository contents to push things.

You can also use this GitHub Action with tags/releases
    types: released
      contents: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: echo "$TAG" > VERSION.txt
          TAG: ${{ github.event.release.tag_name }}
      - uses: actions4git/add-commit-push@v1

If you're looking to have more control than the options provided below, it's best if you tap in to the git CLI directly. The only tricky bit is setting a default Git user (it's unset by default). You can either set it manually or use a premade action like [actions4git/setup-git] to configure the and settings.

- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- uses: actions4git/setup-git@v1
# OR
- run: |
    git config "$GITHUB_ACTOR"
    git config "$GITHUB_ACTOR_ID+$"
# OR
- run: |
    git config 'github-actions[bot]'
    git config '41898282+github-actions[bot]'

# Then you can do whatever you want!
- run: git add ...
- run: git rebase ...
- run: git merge ...
- run: git commit ...
- run: git push ...


  • path: The path to the repository root folder to perform the Git operations in. This defaults to the current working directory (.). Change this to a subfolder if you are using a different folder other than the default github.workspace for your Git repository.

  • add-pathspec: Additional path specifiers to be passed to git add. These can be files, folders, globs, or even some fancy Git pathspec things such as :!ignoreme.txt. Check out the CSS-Tricks Git Pathspecs and How to Use Them article for the highlights of Git pathspecs. If this input is not specified, git add --all will be used instead. Specifying . has slightly different behavior from --all.

  • add-force: Whether or not to use the --force flag when performing the git add operation. Use this if you really want to add something but it's in your .gitignore. This can be useful if you ever need to commit build artifacts to Git that are normally ignored by your .gitignore. Defaults to false.

  • commit-author: A Name Here <> AiO author name & email string. This is a shortcut alternative to the independant 'commit-author-name' and commit-author-email options that are also available. This defaults to @github-actions[bot]. You can set this to the special value github-actions to use the @github-actions[bot] user as the author, or the special me value to use the current user as the author. Note that this is different from the commit-committer. The author of a commit is who wrote the thing and the committer is who committed it to Git. It's recommended to leave this as the default.

  • commit-author-name: The name of the author to associate with the commit. Should be left unspecified if commit-author is specified.

  • commit-author-email: The email address of the author to associate with the commit. Should be left unspecified if commit-author is specified.

  • commit-committer: A Name Here <> AiO author name & email string. This input is a shortcut for the commit-committer-name and commit-committer-email inputs that can also be individually specified. You can set this to the special value github-actions to use the @github-actions[bot] user as the committer, or the special me value to use the current user as the committer. If this input is unspecified, the committer defaults to the author.

  • commit-committer-name: The name of the committer to associate with the commit. Should be left unspecified if commit-committer is specified.

  • commit-committer-email: The email address of the committer to associate with the commit. Should be left unspecified if commit-committer is specified.

  • commit-message: The --message parameter to use for the commit. This can be a multiline string if you want to specify a title and body. The default is 'Automated changes'.

  • push-repository: The first argument to git push [repository] [refspec]. You can change this to another remote name like upstream (as long as you have push rights) or another Git remote entirely like The default origin is probably what you want.

  • push-refspec: A specific branch or tag name to push to. If this is a tag, push-force will default to true unless explicitly set otherwise. Defaults to whatever the current Git HEAD target is.

  • push-force: Whether or not to use the --force parameter when doing the git push. You may need to specify this if you are rewriting history or editing a tag. Defaults to false if the push-refspec is a branch and true if it's a tag.



