GitHub Action
Enhanced ENV Azure key vault - Get Secrets
This action gets secrets from Azure Vault as ENV parameters for specific environment and type. It depends on Enhanced ENV Azure Vault NPM package, which prepares data for Azure Key Vault based on environment [staging / testing / production] and type [ Backend / Frontend / ..]. See
Required URL to the Azure Key Vault.
Required One of [TEST | STAGE | PROD] environments, for which the Azure Secrets wil be downloaded.
Required One of [frontend | backend] type of secret, stored in Azure Kez Vault as secret.
Environment parameters, you can see them in your Action job as ${{ env.xxxx }}
The JSON structure of App Service setting (You normally find in AppService - Setting - Configuration in your Azure).
This could be used by Azure/appservice-settings@v1
The Hashicorp Terraform tfvars.json
structure as portal_app_settings_secrets
This could be used by hashicorp/setup-terraform@v1.2.1
- name: Login via Az module
uses: azure/login@v1
creds: ${{ secrets.AZ_LOGIN_CREDENTIALS }}
enable-AzPSSession: false
- name: Get the secrets
uses: PavelStancik/enhanced-env-azure-vault-action@v1.0.10
TYPE: frontend
id: aenv
#This is just for zou to see the output, this is just printing output
- name: Get the output variables as standard ENV
run: |
echo "***************************************"
echo $json_var | jq '.[].name'
echo "***************************************"
echo $json_var | jq
json_var: ${{ steps.aenv.outputs.json}}
#This sets the Azure App Service settings
- name: Set Web App Settings
uses: Azure/appservice-settings@v1
app-name: ${{ env.AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME }}
mask-inputs: false
app-settings-json: ${{ steps.aenv.outputs.json}}
#This creates file for Terraform in ../terraform dir
- name: Set the ENV as tfvars
working-directory: terraform
run: |
echo $terraform_var > ./terraform.tfvars.json
terraform_var: ${{ steps.aenv.outputs.terraform}}
The structure of is:
variable "web_app_settings" {
type = map(map(string))
default = { "eun" = { "Hello" = "World" } }
sensitive = true
After deploy do not forget to remove the terraform.tfvars.json
file for security reasons:
# Create/Destroy infrastructure
- name: Create/Destroy infrastructure
working-directory: terraform
run: |
terraform init -input=false
terraform plan -out=tfplan -input=false
terraform apply -input=false tfplan
rm ./terraform.tfvars.json
rm ./tfplan
The structure:
"web_app_settings": {
"frontend": {
"WEBSITES_PORT": "3000",
"WEBSITES_URL": "http://localhost"
Assigning in Terraform:
app_settings = var.web_app_settings[frontend]