Start Rails 6 project with custom scaffold, decorators, slim template, datatables, redis, sidekiq, devise, paper_trail, turbolinks, jquery, bootstrap, pg_search, annotate, dalli, lograge, pagy, rspec etc.
Install gems e packages:
Setup database:
bundle exec rails db:create
Run migrates:
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
Run seeds:
bundle exec rails db:seed
Run tests:
bundle exec rspec
Start app:
bundle exec rails s
Generates full scaffold with tests and datatable(run both commands!), example:
bundle exec rails g scaffold Post title:string body:string
bundle exec rails g datatable Post
PS: please, check index.html.slim
to cut javascript code and put in correct folder!
Generates model/controller/view without tests, example:
bundle exec rails g model Post title:string body:string --no-test-framework
bundle exec rails g scaffold_controller Posts title:string body:string --no-test-framework
bundle exec rails g slim:scaffold Post title body
This project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.