Dominant color extraction and colorspace mapping
Demo of a dominant color extractor. Think of this as the automatic process your eyes do to figure out what color an object is. We say that object is red or blue. A computer executes this by looking for the largest grouping of a single color in an object.
This code is a collection of background extractors and a disabled skin detector that returns a dominant color for the input image and then maps that color to a static list of color supplied beforehand for naming.
Execute with to see examble on detecting color of a blue leather jacket:
$ python
Code will save off 4 intermediate images to show each phase of the background extraction and final evaluated image without a background for reference.
Code is all python3 and organized sequentially for easy of interpretibility.
Libraries used are: io, sys, csv, math
numpy, scipy, urllib, cv2, skimage, PIL.
(I used Conda to have consistant package paths to python3).