This repository provides a set of Terraform and Ansible scripts to provision a Kubernetes cluster on Hetzner Cloud. We use ipv4/ipv6 dual-stack networking and Cilium as the CNI.
Provision base infrastructure on Hetzner Cloud
cd ./infrastructure
terraform apply -var="hcloud_token=$(cat ~/.hetzner/token)"
Once the VMs are provisioned, one can access them via SSH
ssh -i ~/.ssh/hcloud root@<VM public ipv6>
Configure VMs and install k8s with kubeadm. Update inventory.ini
with the public IPs of the VMs prior to running the playbooks
cd ./playbooks
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini setup_cpl.yaml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini setup_workers.yaml
After this the kubeconfig file will be available at ~/.kube/hetzner.conf
Install CNI, Kong Ingress Controller and HAProxy
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini setup_networking.yaml
Suppose you own a domain
and you want to expose a simple nginx web server to the internet.
One should create a DNS record for the domain
pointing to the public ipv6 addresses of the HAProxy VM (in our case it is the CPL machine).
cd ./examples
kubectl apply -f exposed-nginx-web-server.yaml
Remember to set the corresponding domain in the yaml file Ingress resource.