This are the shortcuts and things I use on my bash terminal on linux.
Fell free to clone, use it and share comments and suggestions
$ git clone ~/.config/dotfiles
$ echo "source ~/.config/dotfiles/.init" >> ~/.bash_profile
The auto-loader the shortcuts to each file on the custom/
folder using the pattern lenv-<file_name>
By default the projects folder is
, if you want to change edit theDEFAULT_PROJECTS_FOLDER
on the settings file.
You can create a new project config file running the create shortcut
$ prj_create_def <project-name>
# This will make the `lenv-` command available to jump to the project folder
$ lenv-<project>
# example
$ prj_create_def my-new-project
$ lenv-my-new-project
Note: if the project folder does not exists it will be create when you run the lenv-.
# Checkout and pull to a branch
$ gckp <branch_name>
# Fresh checkout to a branch:
# - Remove the target branch
# - Checkout and pull to master
# - Checkout to the target branch
$ g_cls_ck <branch_name>
# Merge the current branch on the target branch
# - Fresh checkout to the target branch
# - Merge previous branch content
$ gck_merge <branch_name>
# Alias for docker-compose
$ dkc <docker-compose args>
# print last lines of container(s) log
$ dkc-logs [<container>]
# Attach a terminal into a running docker-compose container
# NOTES: support all `docker-compose exec` params
$ dkcx <container> <shell>
$ dkcx-<bash|sh> <container>
# runs a temporary docker-compose container
# NOTES: support all `docker-compose run` params
$ dkc-run <container> <shell>
# runs a temporary docker-compose container with display
# NOTES: support all `docker-compose run` params
$ dkc-xrun <container> <shell>
# runs a temporary docker-compose container with test flags
# NOTE: there are flags only for ruby and node ony
$ dkctest <container> <shell|command>
$ dkct-<bash|sh> <container>
# runs a temporary docker-compose container with test flags and display
# NOTE: there are flags only for ruby and node ony
$ dkcxtest <container> <shell|command>
$ dkctx-<bash|sh> <container>
Test flags can be updated by changing the DOCKER_COMPOSE_TEST_PARAMS var
Display support can be updated by changing the DOCKER_COMPOSE_DISPLAY var and for now only supports linux with X Server
# Clear all containers logs
$ dk-clear-logs
# runs a container from a image (local or remote) with it flag
$ dkrit <image>[:<tag>]
$ dkrit <image uri>
# runs a temporary container from a image (local or remote)
$ dkrtmp <image>[:<tag>]
$ dkrtmp <image uri>
# runs a temporary container from a image (local or remote)
# with the current dir and user configured
$ dkrtmpuser <image>[:<tag>] [<shell|command>]
$ dkrtmpuser <image uri> [<shell|command>]
# runs a temporary container from a image (local or remote)
# only with the current dir mounted
$ dkrtmpnouser <image>[:<tag>] [<shell|command>]
$ dkrtmpnouser <image uri> [<shell|command>]
# runs a temporary container from a image (local or remote)
# with the current dir and root configured
$ dkrtmproot <image>[:<tag>] [<shell|command>]
$ dkrtmproot <image uri> [<shell|command>]
$ dkr-<preset_images>-user [<shell|command>]
$ dkr-<preset_images>-nouser [<shell|command>]
$ dkr-<preset_images> [<shell|command>]
preset_images = ruby, pyhton, node, rust, postgres To add more images to the preset images edit the
on the settings file
# Alias for kubectl
$ kb <kubectl args>
# print current or swtich kubernets context
$ kb-ctx # print context
$ kb-ctx <context> # switch to context
$ kb-nsp # print current kubernetes
# Get kubernetes components
$ kb-get # get all components
$ kb-get-<component type>
$ kb-get <component type>
# Kubernetes logs
$ kb-logs <resource name>
$ kb-logsa <resource name> # all
$ kb-logsap <resource name> # all sources
# Kubernetes exec with interactive flags
$ kbx <resource name>
# Kubernetes exec rails console
$ kbx-rc <resource name>
# Kubernetes exec rails console
$ kbx-sh <resource name>
# Kubernetes exec rails console
$ kbx-bash <resource name>
# Kubernetes port forward
$ kb-pf <port-forward params>
$ kb-restart <resource name> # restart resource
$ kb-top # list resource consumption
$ kb-del <resource name> # delete resource
$ kb-terminate <resource name> # forcefully delete resource
$ kb-sts-fail # list all failing pods
# Opens a background ssh tunnel
$ ssh_tunnel <port> <ssh_dsn>
MacOS monterey VM inside docker using sickcodes/docker-osx
# Create MavOS vm
> To set it up go to
> Tip: Restart after you do the setup wizard, this will significantly improve the UI response
# Start MacOS vm
$ Force Stop MacOS vm