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Python forced alignment

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Forced alignment suite. Includes English grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) and phoneme alignment from the following forced alignment tools.

  • RAD-TTS [1]
  • Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA) [2]
  • Penn Phonetic Forced Aligner (P2FA) [3]

RAD-TTS is used by default. Alignments can be saved to disk or accessed via the pypar.Alignment phoneme alignment representation. See pypar for more details.

pyfoal also includes the following

  • Converting alignments to and from a categorical representation suitable for training machine learning models (pyfoal.convert)
  • Natural interpolation of forced alignments for time-stretching speech (pyfoal.interpolate)

Table of contents


pip install pyfoal

MFA and P2FA both require additional installation steps found below.

Montreal Forced Aligner (MFA)

conda install -c conda-forge montreal-forced-aligner

Penn Phonetic Forced Aligner (P2FA)

P2FA depends on the Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK), which has been tested on Mac OS and Linux using HTK version 3.4.0. There are known issues in using version 3.4.1 on Linux. HTK is released under a license that prohibits redistribution, so you must install HTK yourself and verify that the commands HCopy and HVite are available as system-wide binaries. After downloading HTK, I use the following for installation on Linux.

sudo apt-get install -y gcc-multilib libx11-dev
sudo chmod +x configure
./configure --disable-hslab
make all
sudo make install

For more help with HTK installation, see notes by Jaekoo Kang and Steve Rubin.


Force-align text and audio

import pyfoal

# Load text
text = pyfoal.load.text(text_file)

# Load and resample audio
audio =

# Select an aligner. One of ['mfa', 'p2fa', 'radtts' (default)].
aligner = 'radtts'

# For RAD-TTS, select a model checkpoint
checkpoint = pyfoal.DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT

# Select a GPU to run inference on
gpu = 0

alignment = pyfoal.from_text_and_audio(

Application programming interface


"""Phoneme-level forced-alignment

    text : string
        The speech transcript
    audio : torch.tensor(shape=(1, samples))
        The speech signal to process
    sample_rate : int
        The audio sampling rate

    alignment : pypar.Alignment
        The forced alignment


"""Phoneme alignment from audio and text files

    text_file : Path
        The corresponding transcript file
    audio_file : Path
        The audio file to process
    aligner : str
        The alignment method to use
    checkpoint : Path
        The checkpoint to use for neural methods
    gpu : int
        The index of the gpu to perform alignment on for neural methods

    alignment : Alignment
        The forced alignment


"""Perform phoneme alignment from files and save to disk

    text_file : Path
        The corresponding transcript file
    audio_file : Path
        The audio file to process
    output_file : Path
        The file to save the alignment
    aligner : str
        The alignment method to use
    checkpoint : Path
        The checkpoint to use for neural methods
    gpu : int
        The index of the gpu to perform alignment on for neural methods


"""Perform parallel phoneme alignment from many files and save to disk

    text_files : list
        The transcript files
    audio_files : list
        The corresponding speech audio files
    output_files : list
        The files to save the alignments
    aligner : str
        The alignment method to use
    num_workers : int
        Number of CPU cores to utilize. Defaults to all cores.
    checkpoint : Path
        The checkpoint to use for neural methods
    gpu : int
        The index of the gpu to perform alignment on for neural methods

Command-line interface

python -m pyfoal
    --text_files TEXT_FILES [TEXT_FILES ...]
    --audio_files AUDIO_FILES [AUDIO_FILES ...]
    --output_files OUTPUT_FILES [OUTPUT_FILES ...]
    [--aligner ALIGNER]
    [--num_workers NUM_WORKERS]
    [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT]
    [--gpu GPU]

    -h, --help
        show this help message and exit
    --text_files TEXT_FILES [TEXT_FILES ...]
        The speech transcript files
    --audio_files AUDIO_FILES [AUDIO_FILES ...]
        The speech audio files
    --output_files OUTPUT_FILES [OUTPUT_FILES ...]
        The files to save the alignments
    --aligner ALIGNER
        The alignment method to use
    --num_workers NUM_WORKERS
        Number of CPU cores to utilize. Defaults to all cores.
    --checkpoint CHECKPOINT
        The checkpoint to use for neural methods
    --gpu GPU
        The index of the GPU to use for inference. Defaults to CPU.



python -m

Downloads and uncompresses the arctic and libritts datasets used for training.


python -m

Converts each dataset to a common format on disk ready for training.


python -m pyfoal.partition

Generates train valid, and test partitions for arctic and libritts. Partitioning is deterministic given the same random seed. You do not need to run this step, as the original partitions are saved in pyfoal/assets/partitions.


python -m pyfoal.train --config <config> --gpus <gpus>

Trains a model according to a given configuration on the libritts dataset. Uses a list of GPU indices as an argument, and uses distributed data parallelism (DDP) if more than one index is given. For example, --gpus 0 3 will train using DDP on GPUs 0 and 3.


Run tensorboard --logdir runs/. If you are running training remotely, you must create a SSH connection with port forwarding to view Tensorboard. This can be done with ssh -L 6006:localhost:6006 <user>@<server-ip-address>. Then, open localhost:6006 in your browser.


python -m pyfal.evaluate \
    --config <config> \
    --checkpoint <checkpoint> \
    --gpu <gpu>

Evaluate a model. <checkpoint> is the checkpoint file to evaluate and <gpu> is the GPU index.


[1] R. Badlani, A. Łańcucki, K. J. Shih, R. Valle, W. Ping, and B. Catanzaro, "One TTS Alignment to Rule Them All," International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022.

[2] J. Yuan and M. Liberman, “Speaker identification on the scotus corpus,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 123, p. 3878, 2008.

[3] M. McAuliffe, M. Socolof, S. Mihuc, M. Wagner, and M. Sonderegger, "Montreal Forced Aligner: Trainable Text-Speech Alignment Using Kaldi," Interspeech, vol. 2017, p. 498-502. 2017.


Python forced alignment








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